Stop paraphrase the bible... a dat unu fi stop. How dare you aim to know what the Lord meant.... why paraphrase? We want it verbatim... in Amaric or Hebrew if you must...
well when we reach heaven we ask GOD
Think it, believe it, achieve it Right Cash Cow?
Stop paraphrase the bible... a dat unu fi stop. How dare you aim to know what the Lord meant.... why paraphrase? We want it verbatim... in Amaric or Hebrew if you must...
Women want one man to satisfy all their needs and men want all women to satisfy their one need!
The "New Testament" was written in Greek, not Hebrew or Aramaic.
A direct translation of Eph 2:15 from the Greek reads:
Verse 14.... then verse 15 the enmity in the flesh of him, the Law of the commandments in decrees having made ineffective, in order that the two he might create in himself into one new man making peace, Verse 16 ....
When this is put into modern day English using the sentence structure that is common in the English language it reads;
Verse 14.... then verse 15 By means of his flesh he abolished the enmity, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, that he might create the two peoples in union with himself into one new man and make peace;, Verse 16 ....
No paraphrase here!
Last edited by SOLDIER OF JEHOVAH; February 7, 2009 at 07:06 PM.
You know what is funny about Jehovah's Witnesses? They claim that they are so different from other churches yet they fail to realize that the only reason why they worship on a Sunday is directly related to Constantine changing the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday, the same reason why all Sunday worshipers ended up worshiping on that day.
There is absolutely no where in the bible where it specifically states that people should worship on Sunday.
If you are going to claim that sabbath worship is irrelevant to modern civilization you will have to use something else apart from the bible to convince people. It is not in the bible.
Another point I have a problem with is how some folk continually try to assert that the Ten Commandments are null and void.
The Ten Commandments are so fundamental to a healthy society that most of the laws of the land are based on the ten commandments. I can never understand how people say the ten commandments have been abolished.
If the the law is abolished then why is murder, adultery, theft and idolatry still sin? You know I have never really gotten a clear cut explanation for this, it would be nice if I could finally get a clear cut, precise and logical answer.
Last edited by silentburn; March 7, 2009 at 09:07 PM.
.For changing their manners and altering their customs, there is nothing better than music.
Confusious 400 BC.
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