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Thread: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    As far as I see it Half Naked is not the issue at all.

    The real issue is JAMAICAN women who sit down on Heinikein bottles and "ride it" to win $1000 USD


    Who have the most extreme vag1nal skin out or who an take a Cahmpeign (sp?) douch, dandcing on the top of her head without underwear is NOT COOL

    Some will allow some guy in a towel round his face to penetrate and do his thing to music while the sound master shouts tek buddy gyal, tek buddy ... and plays some of Mr Kartels choice music for things like this.

    It really is extreme and the DVD's are there as proof.

    Last edited by Gillion; March 6, 2006 at 12:46 PM.
    Attitude is everything.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    Quote Originally Posted by Gillion
    As far as I see it Half Naked is not the issue at all.

    The real issue is JAMAICAN women who sit down on Heinikein bottles and "ride it" to win $1000 USD


    Who have the most extreme vag1nal skin out or who an take a Cahmpeign (sp?) douch, dandcing on the top of her head without underwear is NOT COOL

    Some will allow some guy in a towel round his face to penetrate and do his thing to music while the sound master shouts tek buddy gyal, tek buddy ... and plays some of Mr Kartels choice music for things like this.

    It really is extreme and the DVD's are there as proof.


    i never knew it was at that stage ......
    dem call me hot steppa .....mudera!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    Now that I have a more enligtened understanding of 'Passa Passa', I can fully understand why the Grenadian people are up in arms about its infiltration in their society.

    Why has 'Passa Passa' gotten to the heights it has in Jamaica? Were there people speaking out about it, and lobbying against it when it first emerged into the apparent pasttime it is now in certain sectors of the society?

    It sounds like half of those activitites should be things that would get you arrested if done in public.
    Money can't buy happiness, but it will buy the type of misery one can enjoy.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    look back at BCK's post ....remember where he mentioned the accpetance and rejection of carnival and dancehall.

    if u shut down passa passa or ne other dancehall sho of similar nature it is going to be viewed a way to fight "poor" ppl and to keep them down .
    dem call me hot steppa .....mudera!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    Quote Originally Posted by Bahama Mama
    Why has 'Passa Passa' gotten to the heights it has in Jamaica? Were there people speaking out about it, and lobbying against it when it first emerged into the apparent pasttime it is now in certain sectors of the society?
    For some reason, many people have come to accept, and glorify slackness. There once was a time when songs were banned because of explicit or suggestive content. Now, they play them and try to bleep out the cuss words, but retain the context and meaning such that a child could figure things out. This glorification of slackness isn't unique to Jamaica though. It's a worldwide phenomenon. Cable TV has done a lot to desensitize people to slackness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bahama Mama
    It sounds like half of those activitites should be things that would get you arrested if done in public.
    But alas, I haven't heard of anyone being arrested for such things.
    Working for a better future.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    I am learning more and more about this Passa Passa thing has I read the thread. It is sad that we have such a situation in Jamaica.

    However, the bottom like is this, if we are going to speak about God and his laws, whether it is Passa Passa or Carinival, the 2 are against God. We can pretty Carnival as much as we want and claim that it has it's roots in Slavery, but the bottomline is that it isn't much different from Passa Passa, much of it is still lewd. Even the songs are extremely suggestive to the point of being almost blatanly lewd.

    I use to play carnival and believe me I see people who behave in a manner that is very unbecoming.

    The Minister's reference to Sodom & Gomorrah will cause one to wonder why she has nothing to say about Carinival which also shows people 1/2 naked and behaving in an unbecoming manner. So for those thinking that it's about being defensive, it isn't. I do believe what BCK and I were pointing out is that it is hypocritical to hit out against Passa Passa and not hit out against Carnival, not to say the Minister shouldn't hit out against Passa Passa. One would thing that this is common sense. They both have lewd behaviour, yes one more so than the other. However, when it comes to God, wrong is wrong and it makes no sense we condone one and not the other.

    BTW...When I was living in Jamaica, the churches use to hit out against Carnival every year.
    Last edited by AngelsKiss; March 6, 2006 at 03:25 PM.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    Quote Originally Posted by AngelsKiss
    BTW...When I was living in Jamaica, the churches use to hit out against Carnival every year.
    .....and they had nothing to say about Passa Passa......?
    Life: "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." - MacBeth
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    "Why did God make us so different if he wanted us to all be the same?"

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    Quote Originally Posted by ramesh
    .....and they had nothing to say about Passa Passa......?
    Churches speak out against immorality in the dancehall, carnival, and everyday life all the time.

    Remember, Passa Passa is just one street dance. There are many others, and slackness happens at those places too. So just because there's no media campaign against "Passa Passa" per se, doesn't mean there aren't persons speaking out against the immorality in that event and others.
    Working for a better future.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    think we get it .......question ....what do u think

    when u hear a selector at a dance

    "big up all ooman inna di dance all madda big up unnu self"he then proceedes to play one of the following ....souls gospel something "soft"

    "all who love God two hand inn di air now ...put dem up!!!!!"

    proceedes to play another "soft" song

    next thing .....

    big up all a di tugs dem .......who nuh like B....yboy....kill dem B!@@&&!@@*

    HOW THEM GET GOD INNA DAT MIX ??????????????
    dem call me hot steppa .....mudera!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default Re: Passa Passa has 'no place in Grenada'

    Quote Originally Posted by ramesh
    .....and they had nothing to say about Passa Passa......?
    The first time I am hearing about Passa Passa in in this thread. I am surprise thou that they haven't said anything about it...which is why I mention the fact they use to hit out at carnival.

    Possibly they just talk about all the lewd behaviour in a general term.

    The main reason that Carnival use to get so much attention I think, was due to the fact that it took place during lent. Not to say that it would have been ok at any other time.

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