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Thread: Religion and Beliefs: Why/How did you pick yours?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Post Religion and Beliefs: Why/How did you pick yours?

    When people become a certain religion...why do they choose that religion? Is it because they believe that that is the only right one? Or is it because they're born into it and know nothing else?

    If you were born into a religion was there ever a point where you questioned it and came back, or perhaps went in another direction?

    Why is religion so important to people? Why is it so important that people believe that their religion is the one and only right religion?

    This isn't a survey, but some questions to get the juices flowing

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Religion and Beliefs: Why/How did you pick yours?

    Quote Originally Posted by mystiqueone View Post
    Is it because they believe that that is the only right one?
    No most think it's the most right. When all is placed on the table it seems the most "logical" (n'really), primarily due to the fact that it's around them daily.

    Quote Originally Posted by mystiqueone View Post
    If you were born into a religion was there ever a point where you questioned it and came back, or perhaps went in another direction?
    I question it daily, became spiritually weak but never turned in any other direction. Personally I find religions which emphasize spiritual enlightment and seek after knowledge quite attractive but I've never really looked outside the church too hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by mystiqueone View Post
    Why is religion so important to people?
    Sense of belonging, comfort and purpose.

    Quote Originally Posted by mystiqueone View Post
    Why is it so important that people believe that their religion is the one and only right religion?
    If your religion strictly emphasizes values,truth, peace, love for your brother etc. then you wouldn't care about the existence of other such religions. When opposing ideas are presented and your faith is based on what is taught within your religion you HAVE to believe that it is TRUE.

    Personally I have my doubts about some of what I've been fed which is possibly why I'm lost right now. I will never swallow any idea/concept which cannot be logically proven.


    btw, search the forum so you don't end up repeating threads. Like your style though. Forum junkies like myself need people like you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: Religion and Beliefs: Why/How did you pick yours?

    Some people confuse Denominations with Religions.
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    "Why did God make us so different if he wanted us to all be the same?"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default Re: Religion and Beliefs: Why/How did you pick yours?

    I grew up in mine but was exposed to countless others and was most comfortable in mine... but still not comfortable with some of their "teachings" and antics... and justification for these. An area which is more deficient from the side of man, than from the teachings of the Bible. Other religions seem to mix and match the Bible to suit their needs... case in part the RC... they edited the Bible for their own use... but then again... men wrote the bible so who is to say they/we have translated it properly?
    Women want one man to satisfy all their needs and men want all women to satisfy their one need!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Default Re: Religion and Beliefs: Why/How did you pick yours?

    I born and raised in jamaica. >90% are christians. I had no choice in the matter and now that i do, i am still with christianity
    Think it, believe it, achieve it Right Cash Cow?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: Religion and Beliefs: Why/How did you pick yours?

    born and raised in a Christian family but its my believe that all religions are cults yes including christianity.

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